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The Top 3 Reasons To Move Microsoft GP to the Cloud Today

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If you’re reading this, we’re assuming that you’re still hosting Microsoft Great Plain on-premise. Our team of experts has spoken with enough clients that have held to this practice that we understand there may be reasons why you feel this is necessary. By hosting Microsoft GP on-site, you feel like you have greater control over your data, you have the confidence of knowing exactly where that information exists, and you have a team on-site to support you when you have issues.


There’s a better way. While there is validity to the arguments above, there are far more compelling reasons to move Microsoft Great Plains to the cloud.


Number One: Financial Impact


Migrating Microsoft GP to the cloud transforms businesses in numerous ways, but one of the most significant is the financial impact of making the switch. When you choose a cloud-based solution, you are not required to consistently pay for upgrades, updates and security patches. Even if you already own on-premise equipment, the high costs associated with the necessary maintenance are eliminated with a cloud-based solution. It’s understood that there are major costs associated with carrying an IT department in-house, but with a cloud-based solution, maintenance on aging servers is no longer a priority, opening up their bandwidth to focus on other tasks. Plus, cloud-hosting keeps businesses current on critical aspects like security, updated features, the ability to interact with the cloud-centric network, prevention of surprise system failures and overall reliability. All of these elements are secured in a cost-effective method when you migrate to the cloud. Enable scalability with the cloud as you unlock a greater potential to support business growth without costly changes to your current IT infrastructure. 


Number Two: Backup & Security


This benefit cuts two ways. First, in an attempt to decrease costs, many companies will avoid or postpone paying for critical system updates and upgrades. In reality, this can substantially increase security risks and may result in a scenario much more costly than the cost of making iterative upgrades. By moving to the cloud, the cost of these hardware and software upgrades is included at a much lower rate than hosting on-premise.


Secondly, critical data is more frequently backed up and more efficiently secured when customers move Dynamics GP to the cloud. Cloud-hosted backups of critical data systems are executed far more often than in-house systems, storing your sensitive data in state-of-the-art data centers owned and managed by Microsoft. Plus, you’ll gain greater peace of mind knowing that with a cloud-hosted solution, multiple redundancies are at play to ensure your data is secure. You may feel as though your data is completely secure stored on-site, but when system attacks or natural disasters destroy your data for good, you’ll be glad it’s accessible nearly instantly from the cloud. 


Number Three: SaaS


Cloud-based ERP is SaaS, meaning you can continually receive upgrades and improvements as they are released, rather than waiting for large service packs to access critical updates. This is a significant advantage as it opens up SaaS capabilities to integrate with other applications and utilities, extending operational efficiencies far beyond your current on-premise solution. Additionally, if flexibility and mobility are key elements you’re searching for, these innovations are accessible from anywhere in the world, at any time and can be deployed faster than on-premise upgrades. SaaS engineered for the cloud can transform the way you do business. 


As your software solutions partner, SMB Suite is dedicated to being a Value-added Relationship to your company. Whether you’re convinced to make the switch to the cloud or want more information, we’re here for you. Give us a call at 866-956-1636 and see what a cloud-based solution can offer you.

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