Top 3 Ways Managed Services Helps Retain Employees

Top 3 Ways Managed Services Helps Retain Employees

Top 3 Ways Managed Services Helps Retain Employees

The change in the job market after months of remote working has opened up a whole host of new options for employees, empowering them to find a work environment that suits their personal needs – on top of their professional ones – prompting the Great Resignation.


According to Microsoft’s 2021 Work Trend Index, over 70 percent of workers want flexible remote work options to continue, and 44% of people saying they’ll look for a new job in the next year. These stats should make organizations sit up and assess their recruitment and retainment policies, as is can take on average $4,000 and 24 days to hire a new employee. Outgoing employees also disrupt company routines, with their replacements needing more time and training to get up to speed than is offered.


Technology plays a heavy role in to provide a modern environment that potential workers are looking for. This can be a huge undertaking for businesses of any size, but you don’t need to go it alone. Engaging with a managed services provider can help provide the essential expertise you need, often at a lower cost than trying to do it in-house, and with greater capabilities and features as well to help you retain employees.


Here are the top three ways managed services helps retain employees:


1. Employee Effectiveness


recent study by the Future Forum revealed that flexibility is now one of the top factors influencing attraction and retention at organizations. 93% knowledge workers want a flexible schedule, while 76% want flexibility in where they work. Companies looking to retain top talent must consider a model that provides flexibility both in locations as well as schedules.


The study found that the frequency with which teams communicate has a significant impact on employee satisfaction, and employees who use digital tools to communicate throughout the day have nearly three times the sense of belonging and over two times the ability to manage stress and anxiety than their counterparts who do not use digital tools to communicate.


Fortunately, remote working tools have become commonplace, with Microsoft Teams becoming integral to the workday and Microsoft’s new Windows 365 Cloud PC developed especially for the modern workplace.


But instead of leaving your employees to troubleshoot access issues or navigate around various technologies, let them focus on their actual jobs. With an MSP making sure your licensing, software and hardware are up to date, you are assured of an environment with maximum uptime. And if there is an issue, you can call your provider at any time of the day, and they will make it a priority to get you up and running in minimal time to reduce disruption.


2. Keeping staff engaged


With employees driving the job market, and as recent graduates enter the workforce, they expect a job that has the latest technology to aid them in their roles, accessible and secure from anywhere. According to research, only 20% of employees who feel they don’t belong are engaged versus 91% of those who feel they do. Conversely, just 26% of leaders surveyed say that employee engagement is a very important part of what they think about, plan, and do every day.


The Future Forum study also found that companies that invest in digital infrastructure see:

  • Higher productivity (+54%)
  • Higher sense of belonging (over 2x)
  • Greater ability to manage stress and anxiety (over 5x)


Your MSP can help with employment engagement as well by:

  • Making sure that managers and employees have the tools to do their jobs correctly
  • Equipping your staff with the right tools
  • Help you create a team development and learning platform
  • Provide tools to better understand workflows to increase efficiencies


3. Employee Onboarding/Offboarding


Many organizations are now onboarding new employees without having to step into the office. Of course, this requires the HR department to rethink how to create an onboarding experience that is thorough, completes the necessary administrative tasks, and creates a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for the new employee – all from afar!


Technology is integral to making this process work smoothly, ensuring the new hires feel connected to their new workplace and can get the information they need. Onboarding software can also help automate many of the standard procedures (e.g. all the forms that need to be signed within the first couple of days), and make sure that information is available to other departments, e.g. Finance to simplify the onboarding process.


The new hire can also get to know their new organization via technology, e.g. with a learning management system to help with training required for the new role.


Behind the scenes, a Managed Service Provider can help your organization identify all the steps in your onboarding process, identify the repeatable processes that can be automated, and in turn save hours of valuable time by removing many manual tasks. The automated process can include identifying related tasks that include other departments, automated notifications and ticket status updates to help expedite steps such buying new equipment, setting it up and sending it to the new hire – all helping save time and increasing efficiency.


An efficient onboarding process also benefits the team as a whole, by not taking away time from another employee to conduct all the training, and ensures the new employee comes prepared with all the background knowledge needed to help give them a head start in their new role, setting them up for success from day one.


Set up your organization for success


Today, every company needs IT to function, and while every business has some level of IT expertise, it’s impossible for them to specialize in every area of IT.


SMB Suite’s Managed IT Services takes a team-based approach, whether you need full IT service or additional support to work alongside your in-house IT team. Set your employees, and in turn your organization, up for success with all the technology they need, when and where they need it. We have IT professionals to cover every specialization, to ensure your employees have the knowledge and tools they need to feel fulfilled and engaged in their roles.


We offer a full range of Managed IT services for businesses of all sizes. If you need full IT service or additional support to work alongside your in-house IT team, SMB Suite can help. Contact us to find out how we can help support your business.

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Steve’s been with SMB Suite since 1998 and has been involved with nearly every aspects of the Company’s business as a strategist, professional services executive, cloud solutions architect, and senior consultant. In his current role, Steve is responsible for SMB Suite’s revenue and oversees the execution of ERP, CRM and BI projects for customers across a broad range of industries. Steve combines his expertise in MS Dynamics GP, CRM and other Microsoft products with a strong foundation in accounting and business to identify gaps and streamline customers’ processes. Prior to co-founding SMB Suite, Steve was previously Corporate Controller for MEHLE Behr and, prior to that, Audit Senior for Ernst & Young. Steve holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Texas at Arlington.

Jeremy is responsible for SMB Suite’s technology vision, strategy and implementation and is the architect of the Company’s Dynamics Cloud Platform. Highly adept in every facet of managed services, ERP systems and e-commerce platforms, Jeremy’s expertise spans the implementation and support of business and financial software solutions, as well as the customization and integration of SMB Suite’s cloud ERP technology stack. He holds numerous Microsoft and industry-related certifications, and was primarily responsible for designing the Company’s progressive business services platform in the early days of the Cloud. Prior to SMB Suite, Jeremy served as the financial analyst, systems administrator, and information systems liaison for a $2 billion financial services corporation.

Monty is responsible for SMB Suite’s day-to-day operation and, most importantly, its customers. As a leader, motivator and mentor, Monty creates loyal high performance teams willing to “walk through walls” to accomplish their goals. Prior to SMB Suite, Monty served as President of The Bradshaw Group (TBG), a global distributor, manufacturer, and repair facility for digital printers. In this role, he was the Company’s ambassador to its most important domestic, European and Latin American customers and TBG achieved a best-in-class Net Promoter Score of 74 for its superb customer satisfaction. Prior to TBG, Monty served as the General Manager of Sam’s Clubs three highest grossing U.S. stores and was named Regional Operator of the Year in 1999. Monty holds a BBA in Marketing from Texas Tech University and is an active member of Business Navigators. He has been active in Vistage International, Executives in Action, the Dallas/Fort Worth Retail Executives Association, as well as, A.P.I.C.S., the leading professional association for supply chain and operations management. Monty also volunteers with Hunger Busters and ManeGait, a therapeutic horsemanship organization.

David is a proven financial and information technology professional with expertise in providing business accounting software and computing solutions. He began his career by starting and managing a successful independent consulting practice for several years. He then launched the local systems consulting unit of Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneurial Services Group, leading the office into the hi-tech consulting arena. After successfully developing the unit for Ernst & Young, David founded NextCorp (which became SMB Suite in 2013) to serve the business software needs of clients throughout the US. David has made SMB Suite one of the best cloud ERP providers in the industry. In addition to being a successful entrepreneur and leader, he is a software and technology specialist, holding certifications in various Microsoft and other technologies.